Posted by: dhj84 | August 11, 2008


Or as the locals call it, LEBkemba.

I went to Lakemba the other day, and what else can I say? It was like another world. When I stepped out of the Lakemba station, it was like setting foot in an Arab country or something (think something like the shithole Tripoli, Lebanon), with bunch of bearded guys and kebab shops and Arabic signs on shops. I originally went to get some meat from a butcher there and I thought to myself since I’m brown I could blend in well. Wrong. I stuck out like a sore thumb and had all types of people staring at me, some with dirty looks, as if I was white or something. Granted I don’t have a beard nor do I look Lebanese, but still, it was rather odd that people were looking at me in an unusual manner. 
Then I went to this Lebanese restaurant in Lakemba because I was craving some Shish Tawook and I left with bitter disappointment, because it tasted like shit and it looked like shit. Even though I ate a majority of it (had to since I paid for it), I made my disappointment known to the owner, and then they got mad because I dissed on their food, and then started making fun of me because I was a “stupid American” and a “seppo”, which I politely told them to go back to Tripoli and gave them the finger since they couldn’t adopt proper customer service. I don’t know how a restaurant can stay in business yet can’t handle mere criticism. I should have called them a yahoodi to piss them off some more, but by then it was too late.

After finishing eating, I got some meat from a butcher and had some customers get mad at me because they thought it was their place in line even though I was there before them. But they wanted to fight me lol which I told them to go fuck off because I had a train to catch back home (and didn’t feel like getting into a fight). They looked ‘swede’ if that helps to picture the unruly customers. Then they told me that I was a bad Muslim and that I’m going to Hell because I didn’t let them go first lol but I shrugged it off because they’re just whining like little girls. I got my cheap fresh cut meat from there so that’s what I’m happy about. I guess they expected to be served first because they may have sold the butcher a donkey in a village from ages ago but I digress.

I dunno if I’ll return to Lakemba anytime soon nonetheless, but I’ll check out Auburn to see if its better out there.

No wonder why Lakemba has a bad reputation these days.

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